2 Year Old Class - T/TH, T/W/TH, M-F
Must be 2 by Aug. 31 of the school year
8:2 student/teacher ratio

The goal of the twos classroom is to help the child learn to be in a new environment, to play cooperatively, follow simple 2-3 steps directions - all while gaining self-confidence and taking turns!

Students will follow daily routines learning color identification, basic shapes, position/size vocabulary (under, over, big small), conversational skills, sensory explorations, fine and gross motor play, eating skills and outdoor play.

Simple songs, nursery rhymes and bible stories are used to reinforce weekly themes and concepts. Chapel and music/creative movement are an important part of the 2-year-old class. The 2s attend the music portion of chapel twice a month and it is led by the church pastor, Denise Kilgo. The 2s also attend music and movement every week.