3 Year Old Classes - M-TH, M-F
Must be 3 by Aug. 31 of the school year
12:2 student/teacher ratio

In the 3s, teachers use Zoophonics to reinforce letter, number and name recognition. Zoophonics is a multi-sensory, kinesthetic method to teaching phonemic awareness and letter recognition. It uses animals in the shapes of letters for easy recognition, along with movements for each given letter.

Learning centers and small group instruction are used daily. Goals for the 3s class include strengthening fine and gross motor skills, learning independence, following classroom rules, improving on self-help skills and exploring the concepts behind early literacy, creativity and math skills.Students will focus on letter recognition, shapes, colors, positional words, one to one counting, number recognition and more...all through the fun of play!

Bible stories are incorporated into the curriculum and the 3s class attends chapel twice a month with church pastor, Denise Martin. Music and movement is held weekly, children visit the school library bi-weekly and yoga is held two times a month.