Hours of Operation

Monday - Friday

9:00 AM - 1:00 PM


Our drop off has parents park their cars and walk their children to their classroom each day. We also ask all students to use hand sanitizer as they enter so they begin the day with clean hands.


The program ends at 1:00 pm. The car pickup line begins at 12:45. The car pickup line begins at 12:45 and students are brought to cars along our sidewalk. A late fee is charged for pickups after 1:05pm.

What Each Child Needs to Bring

We ask families to bring a backpack, water bottle, snack and lunch. We also ask that we always have a change of clothes available as well as any diapers or wipes needed.

Our Curriculum

The curriculum is defined by the environment, the materials and the people that a child finds at the church center. Developmentally, appropriate play and learning experiences enable each child to develop in their physical, emotional, social and cognitive development and helps nurture their independence.

Faith development is a primary concern of a church-operated child care program. Our caregivers are the instruments for teaching faith as they model Christian living, values and God’s love.

We offer pre-school learning opportunities through play encouraging children to develop awareness and recognition of letters, numbers, colors and shapes.

In the threes and fours classes, the Playschool has adapted using the curriculum Zoophonics. Zoophonics is a multi-sensory, kinesthetic method to teaching phonemic awareness and letter recognition. It uses animals in the shapes of letters for easy recognition, along with movements for each given letter.

In addition, the Playschool has added Handwriting Without Tears in the threes and fours classes that embraces a multi-sensory approach with hands-on techniques and activities.

We nurture each child’s natural love of music by singing songs, playing different genres of music during class time and engaging them in music and movement activities.

Developing children’s artistic interest and talent is something we also enjoy here at our school. Children are presented daily with art activities and plenty of opportunities for sensory play.

To help children develop in the areas of language and literacy, we expose them to daily reading opportunities and storytelling. Simple word games and activities are offered to children when they are developmentally ready.

Children’s Christian Playschool offers enrichment specials throughout your child’s week.

Children attend a 20 minute music and movement class once a week to twice a month depending on how many days a week your child attends.
As stated by Maria Runfolo, associate professor of music education at the University of Buffalo, “Music curriculum aims to nurture preschoolers’ language skills.”

Children in the twos, threes and fours classes attend chapel twice a month. Our goal during these times is to introduce the children to different Christian themes, stories, songs and concepts with the greatest goal being them recognizing the fact that Jesus loves them.

Children in the threes and fours classes participate in a monthly yoga class learning simple and age appropriate yoga poses. Benefits of yoga include flexibility, strength, coordination and body awareness. Yoga encourages healthy habits and teaches calming techniques to help improve emotional regulation.

Children in the threes and fours classes will visit the school library bi-weekly.

Health Requirements

Every child must have a current physical examination by a doctor prior to entering the Children’s Christian Playschool. The physical must be renewed each year.

A record of immunizations must accompany the physical examination.


The First day of School is always the day after Labor Day (in September) and then the program follows the same schedule as the Guilford County School System. That calendar is available at www.guilford.k12.nc.us.com. Our program ends the last week of May.