4 Year Old Class - M-Th or M-F
Must be 4 by Aug. 31 of the school year
12:2 student/teacher ratio

In the 4s, weekly themes are used to prepare students academically, spiritually and socially for Kindergarten.

The 4s focus on pre-reading skills through alphabet recognition and letter sounds using Zoophonics, which beings in the 3s classes. Zoo-Phonics is a multi-sensory, kinesthetic method to teaching phonemic awareness and letter recognition. It uses animals in the shapes of letters for easy recognition, along with movements for each given letter. Math skills are reinforced by counting, grouping and sorting objects.

In addition, children learn patterns, sequencing and rhyming. Learning centers and small group instruction are used daily. Bible stories are incorporated into the curriculum and Chapel is held twice a month with Pastor Denise Martin. Music and movement class is held weekly, children visit the school library bi-weekly and yoga is held two times a month. The 4s even visit Creature Teacher once a month.

To enhance the learning experience outside the classroom, the 4s class goes on 2-3 field trips throughout the school year.